A Stream Enclosed by Moss, Foliage and Dappled Light, oil on canvas, 46in X 68in, 2013
Cascade in Blue and Gold, oil on canvas, 48in x 72in 2013
Cascade in Blue and Green, 2016, oil on canvas, 32” x 48”
Quick Water in Gold, Emerald and Blue, oil on canvas, 48" X 72"
High Land Water in Crescent Arc, oil on canvas 48"X 72"
Motion and Stasis, 2018 46" X 69", oil on canvas
Rock Pool, 2017,- oil on canvas,- 68-x-51 inches
Stages on a Desending Stream,2017, oil on canvas, 48" X 72"
Sweep, 2017, Oil on canvas, 48" X 60"
Water and Organic Life in Motion, 2014, oil on canvas, 36" x 48"
Water Slide, 2015 oil on canvas, 32" x 48"
Winter Water -the-Torrent, 2018, oil on canvas-, 46"-X-69"